Monday, October 20, 2008

I'm Back

I know that in the blogosphere, 2 months offline is like 2,000 years of hibernation, in that people lose interest and move on to other (and better) things to read. But if anyone is still checking in, I want you to know that I'm back.

I've been out of commission for these past couple months because my wife and I have been overseas completing our adoption of a little girl. We were in Pavlodar Kazakhstan and adopted our first child, Katelynn Virginia Foster. We returned to the States this past Friday and are still trying to get oriented (Pavlodar is 10 hours ahead of where we live in America). We are very happy new parents who are learning the back and forth of our new normal.

I hope to begin writing again soon. Despite the much greater personal demands on my time, I still think reading and writing will provide the needed stimulation and respite that will keep the heart pumping. So thanks for persevering with us. It's good to be back.


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