Friday, August 17, 2007

ECUSA Rescinds Its Own Mafia Tactics

For the moment at least, the Diocese of Virginia and the national ECUSA organization have backed off their shakedown tactic of targeting unpaid church volunteers for civil litigation as part of their attempts to gain legal control over church property occupied by 11 breakaway congregations in Virginia. In a preliminary hearing last week, these volunteer laypeople were no longer considered 'defendants' by ECUSA.

As I had blogged about not too long ago, such tactics represented a naked departure from anything remotely related to Christian ethics. Instead, it seemed clear to me that targeting laypeople in civil court was a form of intimidation that was of the same order (albeit more culturally correct) as the way mob bosses, their capos and their soldiers do business. I don't know the reason why the ECUSA regime retreated on this. My hope is that they were shamed into it. Why? Because an organization that 'has no shame' is an organization that is often beyond the reach of reason - the very thing ECUSA claims to cherish. By momentarily backing away from such non-Christian folly, perhaps ECUSA has momentarily rediscovered the purpose behind having Christian crosses on their churches.


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